• Dreams Through the Bible Course (FREE)

    Receive a ROCK SOLID Biblical Foundation on Dreams.

    Explore every dream in Scripture, discovering precedents and applicable principles for your life.

  • The Spiritual Intelligence Mentorship

    Develop your gift of decoding dreams in as little as 8 weeks. We guide you through the process, training you on how to hear the voice of God clearly. Obtain specific, real-world solutions for your life and those around you. No dream dictionaries or one-size-fits-all answers.

  • The Dreams Course

    Learn how to use the Joseph Method, a 5-step Biblical process to decode dreams. Experience John Redenbo interpret 10 dreams using this proven system. The course is available immediately and you can proceed at your own pace, growing in confidence as you practice along with the videos.

  • Supercharge Your Dream Life Course

    It’s time to go DEEPER with your dream life.

    It’s time for the MORE. More dreams. More recall. More divine guidance.

    Let’s go beyond the surface level and answer the deeper questions on dreaming.

    Prayer is the question. Dreams are the answer. It’s time to receive MORE wisdom from God to direct our lives.


  • The ability to hear God better for yourself and those you love is greatly needed, particularly at this time in world history. Access to decode His divine intel, strategies and direction for your life makes ALL the difference in the world.

  • The Supercharge Your Dream Life and Dreams Courses are completed at your own pace and on your own schedule.

    The Spiritual Intelligence Mentorship is an investment of 6-8 hours a week for eight weeks.

  • The Spiritual Intelligence Mentorship has a payment plan option to help spread out the cost. It also has a couples discount that works for any two people who want to enroll together (including friends).

  • Hear and move into MORE of God’s messages, guidance and solutions for your life! It’s simply transformational!

  • 💥 Supercharge Your Dream Life, is a new course to help you and others, at all levels, to move into MORE – more dreams, more understanding, more retention, more of His guidance. Think of it as stepping into “the stream of dreams”….

    💥 Next offered is the Dreams Course, where I show you the Biblically-based Joseph Method of decoding dreams, leading you through ten interpreted dreams. We will walk together through the decodes at your pace. You have the option to do the dreams first and compare your answers to mine, or you can just watch me interpret them. You’re going in that “stream” a little further, a little deeper…. but, the water’s great!

    💥 The Spiritual Intelligence Mentorship (SIM) is an eight-week program taking you even further into developing your ability to hear God and decode dreams. You walk with others in your class and your facilitators to “dig deeper” for understanding, and the hidden treasure and intelligence in dreams. Your spiritual ears become trained to hear God’s voice and gain His direction and guidance. You’re in even deeper water, but you’re not alone… you’re gaining more, more, more!