Every Dream Happens for a Reason.

Access Free Dream Interpretation Resources

  • Join our community of over 1000 dreamers and interpreters, where you can share your dreams, discuss decodes and ask questions.

  • Grow in your skills by accessing some free training videos.

  • Stay up-to-date on significant livestreams, decodes and interviews John Redenbo is doing.

Here’s What People Are Saying…

“The changes I've experienced since joining both the Dreams through the Bible and the Spiritual Intelligence Mentorship (SIM) are incredible! I used to never remember my dreams. Now I remember 1 - 3 dreams a night, plus I don't have trouble sleeping anymore. I've interpreted dreams for my family and friends, and they have been in awe of what God reveals through their dreams.”

— Betty

“I feel like I went through 9 months of pregnancy, cherishing each phase of growth in the baby I carried. I do acknowledge the hard work & sacrifice of caring for this wonderful gift, while still anticipating the day when my labor would end in a beautiful baby! I am amazed at how many people God has allowed me to touch with this gift.  It has brought joy & healing to people I love.


“I would like to thank John for organizing such a great course. It helped me to unpack my destiny, that God was trying to tell me year after year. I finally was able to figure it out, by using the “Joseph Method” that John teaches. There is a new road for me to travel now and with the new knowledge I will be able to seek and receive guidance from Papa God through dreams.
